Sun Dec 1 2024 09:13:41 +0530
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
8082 SMPB 3rd 3rd part uthpala.a CONF --- When user click on save button in set filter model after changing the filtered parameters, previously loaded data in the Datagrid should be removed 2022-10-25
8017 SMPB 3rd 3rd part uthpala.a CONF --- Allocation -> Assigned Call/Visit count is displayed as 0 2022-10-25
8079 SMPB 3rd 3rd part uthpala.a CONF --- When logging in with internal Admin user, backlog widget count is displayed as 0 2022-10-25
8105 SMPB 3rd 3rd part dimagi.a CONF --- Available cap limit for the activities of respective agents should be populated in allocation model 2022-08-04
8080 SMPB 3rd 3rd part sithara.k CONF --- Dashboard -> Table Set Filter -> Customer Information field issues 2022-10-26
8005 SMPB 3rd 3rd part sasanka.h CONF --- Sorting is incorrect for "Primary Assignee" in the dashboard worklist 2022-11-04
8081 SMPB 3rd 3rd part sasanka.h CONF --- Dashboard table header issue 2022-11-04
7995 SMPB 3rd 3rd part sithara.k CONF --- Records are coming to Recovery Dashboard even if "Vend_act_type" is not updated 2022-10-26
8 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "3rd party Recovery Dashboard" component of the "SMPB 3rd PARTY MANAGEMENT" product