Sun Dec 1 2024 09:45:38 +0530
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11 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
9302 Dynamic Sales Le oshada.d CONF --- The box in front of the lead/ticket is empty in Sales Lead module. 2023-04-10
9109 Dynamic Sales Le oshada.d CONF --- Assigned tickets for the user are not displaying in Sales leads 2023-01-25
9112 Dynamic Sales Le oshada.d CONF --- Options have duplicated in 'status' drop down when creating a lead 2023-01-25
9236 Dynamic Sales Le oshada.d CONF --- Assignees drop down is empty in lead/ticket creation form 2023-03-24
9290 Dynamic Sales Le oshada.d CONF --- Both tickets and leads are loading at Leads module 2023-04-07
9292 Dynamic Sales Le oshada.d CONF --- Sales lead creation form is not loading 2023-04-07
9451 Dynamic Sales Le oshada.d CONF --- Label name of the lead creation form should be changed 2023-06-08
9452 Dynamic Sales Le oshada.d CONF --- Only the relevant "status" should be loaded with the ticket type 2023-06-08
9458 Dynamic Sales Le oshada.d CONF --- Issue in lead status displaying in Sales lead list. 2023-06-11
9459 Dynamic Sales Le oshada.d CONF --- Ticket reference should be added to Sales leads 2023-06-11
9537 Dynamic Sales Le oshada.d CONF --- No option to select an existing customer or add new customer while creating sales leads 2023-07-14
11 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Sales Leads" component of the "Dynamic Mobile App (CRM)" product