ID | Product | Comp | Assignee▲ | Status▲ | Resolution | Summary | Changed |
9306 | Dynamic | Ticket D | oshada.d | CONF | --- | Filters are not working in Ticket dashboard | 2023-04-11 |
9309 | Dynamic | Ticket D | oshada.d | CONF | --- | Issues in Status wise Ticket distribution | 2023-04-11 |
9311 | Dynamic | Ticket D | oshada.d | CONF | --- | Issue in Type wise Ticket distribution | 2023-04-11 |
9312 | Dynamic | Ticket D | oshada.d | CONF | --- | Type wise ticket distribution chart should display initially and next status wise chart should be. | 2023-04-11 |
9446 | Dynamic | Ticket D | oshada.d | CONF | --- | The List of ticket types should be parallelly centered with the doughnut chart | 2023-06-08 |
9310 | Dynamic | Ticket D | oshada.d | CONF | --- | Adding a scroll bar to Status wise Ticket distribution chart | 2023-04-11 |
File a new bug in the "Ticket Dashboard" component of the "Dynamic Mobile App (CRM)" product