Sun Dec 1 2024 08:42:42 +0530
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
4353 Lankasha Ticket S dimagi.a CONF --- If a project has 1 ticket, Next tickets creates with the same dates 2021-08-05
4355 Lankasha Ticket S dimagi.a CONF --- Assignee ID is missing 2021-08-05
4356 Lankasha Ticket S dimagi.a CONF --- Following tickets rescheduling everytime service is running 2021-08-05
4357 Lankasha Ticket S dimagi.a CONF --- If the first tickect is rescheduled, 2nd tickect not rescheduling 2021-08-05
4412 Lankasha Ticket S dimagi.a CONF --- (Live issue) Assignee ID set as NULL on 'tickets' and 'ticket history' 2021-08-09
4360 Lankasha Ticket S dimagi.a CONF --- Ticket created user needs to be changed (Get from property file) 2021-08-05
4413 Lankasha Ticket S dimagi.a CONF --- (LIVE issue) Contact 360>Ticket view> ticket order issue 2021-08-09
4411 Lankasha Ticket S dimagi.a CONF --- Service agreement duration + 1 ticket created for tickets with 'Odd tickets' 2021-08-09
8 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Ticket Service" component of the "Lankashakthi CRM" product