Sun Dec 1 2024 08:57:12 +0530
Get on Greg
Hide Search Description
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
5184 Metro 1 Train Ti dulaj_a CONF --- In Train ticket search, From passenger selection drop-down, When only a child is selected the below payment error message is shown. 2021-10-05
4712 Metro 1 Train Ti dulaj_a CONF --- User should not be able to edit the passenger count without clicking the edit search button 2021-09-08
4716 Metro 1 Train Ti dulaj_a CONF --- The phone number in the train ticket confirmation popup will not be displayed. 2021-09-08
4799 Metro 1 Train Ti dulaj_a CONF --- In p2p search select child and type 0 in the age box, type 1 in the textbox 2021-09-14
4805 Metro 1 Train Ti dulaj_a CONF --- Billing address showing ZIP code uses in the card payments 2021-09-14
4949 Metro 1 Train Ti dulaj_a CONF --- UI issue in displaying rail card full name 2021-09-23
5543 Metro 1 Train Ti dulaj_a CONF --- Prod- The phone number is still not shown in the confirmation pop-up. 2021-10-27
4786 Metro 1 Train Ti dulaj_a CONF --- Booking confirmation missing actual billing information , this is showing hardcoded information . also need to include seat preference details 2021-09-13
8 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Train Ticket" component of the "Metro 1" product