Sun Dec 1 2024 08:43:31 +0530
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22 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
9681 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Target Contacts count does not change according to the filters 2024-01-19
9692 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- File uploading component is disable 2024-01-22
9675 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- After opening the View or Edit modal of a created base, opening same modal (View/Update) when trying to create a new base as well, without reloading the page 2024-01-23
9676 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- No Date Filter in CONTACT BASE SELECTION page 2024-01-18
9677 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Base Code is not auto generating in Create New Contact Base modal 2024-01-18
9678 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Error message does not clear even re-open the modal without refreshing page 2024-01-18
9680 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Filtering parameter issues - Create New Contact Base modal 2024-01-19
9682 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Related data should be loaded in Account Number(s) and NIC(s) for each based on the selected values in each field 2024-01-19
9684 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Search function is not working 2024-01-19
9685 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Filter function is not working 2024-01-19
9686 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Base Type column values are incorrect 2024-01-19
9687 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- There should be a re-sync button under Action column 2024-01-19
9688 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Decimal point in times of Created Date and Last Updated Date Time columns 2024-01-19
9689 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Account Number(s), NIC(s), Gender fields are blank in Update Contact Base and View Contact Base modals 2024-01-19
9690 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- When creating/updating a contact base with multiple filter selections, multiple selections are not showing 2024-01-22
9691 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Grid values are not sorting correctly by 'Created Date' 2024-01-22
9693 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Able to create multiple contact bases using same code and name(description) 2024-01-23
9699 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Able to create a file driven contact base without uploading a file 2024-01-23
9679 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Base types should be "Attribute driven" and "File driven" 2024-01-18
9683 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- In Status dropdown default value should be Active - Create New Contact Base modal 2024-01-19
9694 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Base Name should show as Base Name 2024-01-23
9700 Seylan D Base Sel nimna.i CONF --- Search bar tooltip space issue 2024-01-23
22 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Base Selection" component of the "Seylan DMS" product